New versions of the Office 365 ProPlus updates Teams scripts

Einar Asting · January 13, 2020

After the first Office ProPlus updates for 2020 showed up last week, I saw jibberish as output in the Teams channels. Looking into the Microsoft websites for the different update channels, I saw that Microsoft added an additional Note section to all channel changelog pages, as opposed to 2019:

This caused parsing of the wrong section to the payload. This is now mitigated by changing the regex in the scripts. Testing today, I see that the new regex syntax parses the correct output, and post the right section to Teams:

In addition, the payload generated from one of the first updates (Semi-Annual Channel release: Version 1908: January 14) was so large that the script hit the Teams message limit. I added some logic to check the size of the message card before posting, and if larger than x (I found 18KB to be the working limit for me), truncate the payload with a user defined text:

Scripts updated:

Due to time, I keep the Azure Automation script updated since this is my preferred method

The first two versions are missing the truncate feature:

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